I) Laboratory of Botany – LABOT (Alagoinhas, Paulo Afonso and Senhor do Bonfim)
It is a space for the development of practical classes for undergraduate and postgraduate courses and for the preparation of the material collected for incorporation into collections (Herbarium).
II) Laboratory of Palynological Studies – LAEP (Alagoinhas, Paulo Afonso and Senhor do Bonfim, Caetité)
Develops researches related to basic and applied palynological, phenological and floral biology studies with a primary focus on species from the northeastern semiarid.
III) Experimental Biology Laboratory (Alagoinhas)
Develops researches with the production of plant extracts, antimicrobial tests, antioxidants, cytochemical analysis and cell culture.
IV) Ecology Laboratory – LABECO (Alagoinhas)
It develops studies of environmental mapping and risk factors, focused on the monitoring and management of watersheds and plans for the recovery of degraded areas (PRADS).
V) Laboratory of Plant Anatomy and Physiology (Paulo Afonso)
It develops researches related to anatomical and physiological studies of species from the Northeastern semi-arid region, aimed at conservation and/or recovery actions of populations of plant species native to the Caatinga, especially those of high environmental and socioeconomic importance.
VI) Laboratory of Mycology – MICOLAB (Paulo Afonso)
Develops researches aimed at the identification of Ascomycota species (Pezizomycotina) by means of a morphological approach and when possible molecular.
VII) Laboratory of Cytogenetics and Plant Evolution – LACITO (Paulo Afonso)
It produces knowledge in cytogenetics and plant evolution using classical cytogenetics techniques, and in partnerships with other groups and laboratories, it also applies molecular techniques.
VIII) Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory – BIOMOL (Paulo Afonso and Senhor do Bonfim)
Conducts molecular studies applied to plant species; preparation of the material collected for incorporation into the collections (Herbarium) and photographic record of the material incorporated into the collections.
Herbarium – HUNEB
The Herbarium of the State University of Bahia (HUNEB) curated by the Department of Exact and Earth Sciences (DCET), Campus II / Alagoinhas and subcuratorship distributed on UNEB campuses located in the municipalities of Caetité, Paulo Afonso and Senhor do Bonfim. Created in 1995 to allocate ex situ collections, in the form of exsiccates, liquid collections and carpentry, HUNEB is integrated with the Brazilian Herbarium System, being faithful to the objectives of collecting, conserving and disseminating part of the genetic heritage of plant biodiversity, especially the management of the regional botanical collection.
HUNEB has representative collections of algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes and phanerogams, comprising approximately 35.000 samples. The multicampi and multiregional nature of UNEB, favours the establishment of a wide botanical collection representative of the state’s flora, covering a floristic representation of diverse biomes and plant types, such as: Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado, Rupestrian Fields and Restinga. HUNEB supports the development of several projects involving botanical species, from the correct taxonomic identification, to procedures related to project activities, such as collection, processing and incorporation of tested material, essential for validation of scientific studies involving plant classification, floristic inventories, taxonomic studies and other research related to Botany.